Add 20 seconds to HNS timer

Add 20 seconds onto timer to allow seeker to seek for 5 minutes instead of 4:40

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As of now, the main Seeker is released when the timer is at 4:40 instead of 5:00, would it be possible to increase the timer to 5:20? Or freeze the timer until Seekers are released giving them a good 5 minutes every game? An extra 20 seconds would make the game a bit easier for Seekers (as they lose majority of games to Hiders)


Good balance suggestion that would help make the game easier for less experienced seekers while not significantly decreasing the challenge for more experienced seekers or being unfair to hiders !!

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5 is better than 4 2/3, fractions are scary


Nice idea.

not really necessary imo, and hive uses increments of 5 mins for most games (I mean I cant think of one that doesnt off the top of my head but still)