Abusable Bridge XP bug

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Bridge Duos

What is the bug?
Needs to be redacted
I think this unluckily work for Bridge solos but anyway, I was playing Bridge Duos when I found these two people (in a party) leaving the game (with /hub) before the victory (or defeat) screen would show itself, in a way that the game won’t show a winner and the defeated (me) couldn’t get XP as the game didn’t see opponents.

The players abusing were @Livzwe and @Vluyii; you can also see them in screenshoots and video provided;

Device(s) & Version

  • All devices;
  • latest version avaible

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

From what we can see, the red team won the game, which is why the game ended, and you did not gain any XP as you did not get any kills or score any points.

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