About shifting different lobbies in One Region


Add a button on inventory or command ‘/lobby’ that allows players to shift specific lobbies into same region.

More information:

This is necessary because when you drop a gift, or trying to find a player without adding them yet.

So, most importantly it’s cool feature that hive should add.

Wait, what are you suggesting?

He’s talking about Hive adding an item in the inventory to choose which hub to connect to. If you do /connection in a lobby, you’ll see which hub you’re in. He wants to be able to choose which hub/lobby to connect to, as currently the game puts you in a random one out of two hundred something.

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If that is the case then that would be a dupe of Lobby switchers (it has a different explanation for why it should be added but it still is the same thing)

Edit: actually use moos link

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I’m afraid this is a duplicate suggestion, you can find the original topic here. Please use the search (:mag:) function before posting a suggestion next time to check for duplicates.

Have a good day :slight_smile: