About S H O V E L

Delete it from the game or make its spawn rate less

if not delete it you should lower its spawn rate cause i get like 3 every game and its sooo annoying or add it to chests as well?

Seems you put your suggestion in the wrong section. You’re talking about SkyWars right?


Did they add S H O V E L to bridge?

No, the just put the wrong category

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The SHOVEL is meant to be like the instant boombox ,where it is unlucky for people that are focused on killing people to win the game. Which is the majority of people. Unlike the boombox it can be good for the handful of people that like trapping people, which can be very good for certain maps, hints why it is one of the things used for the trapper in Skywars Kits. So what I’m basically saying is that the shovel should stay (and not become more rare) because it is meant to be rare for the ones that know how to use it correctly but are meant to be bad for those that can’t use it well.


Why did you reply to @Daviditaly64?


My bad I wrote this post early in the morning I was tired.

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Im a heck of a trapper so i use the shovel pretty much

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didnt know sorry

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Don’t worry about it. You just made a few people slightly confused :sweat_smile:

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