You should be able to report your teammates in skywars if they sabotage you it’s so frustrating when I’m bridging over to a island and one of my teammates break the block under me and causes me to fall into the void
Yess! I fully agree. This happened to me last time I played, when I went to report the player I discovered that wasn’t an option. He killed me and a friend of mine. Idk if it would make sense to report for illegal teaming right now or what, but it’s really annoying and I think it deserves a report option
Sorry to say but I believe there already is one….
or just don’t solo que teams
What your comment makes no sense the problem with playing solos is you always have one tryhard that ruins the game we shouldn’t have to worry about our teammates being jerks and sabotaging us their our teammates not the enemy
The only reason I only play squads is for when I do my quest in skywars
Just requeue or play classic where the average player doesn’t know how to leave their island trust
See this is a much nicer reply and a good idea to at best still would be a good idea to add in though
I’m a bit of a troll sometimes but it’s only cuz some noobies are soooo annoying sometimes so I have to get rid of them before they get out of line
Thats funny but also true i just dont find it funny when im trying to do quest