Able To Remove Specific Item In CS

My idea is for CS to have an update again.

Currently, you can’t do much in CS. I want to change small things, like removing the Nemo in Skywars, but then I would have to remove the emerald ore. Or if I don’t want snowballs in CS, I would have to REMOVE CHEST. This is where my idea comes in:

make it so you could remove items, not all in one. Like, I want to remove one item.

What Do You Think About My Idea?

This seems like a good idea in theory, but a problem I can see is if it gives you the opportunity to remove, like, ANY item, then you have to have a H U G E list of removable items.

I think maybe for BedWars and Treasure Wars this would be right, because you don’t always want someone buying weapons and blocks to Midfight, and then buying a bow and arrows.

If you haven’t voted for this yet, remember you can vote for your own posts!

Have a great day!

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Only some game modes would have this but still a cool idea imo.

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MM without sword or bow…

I was mostly talking about skywars and bedwars.

imagine CTF without the flags (and yes I know it’s not an item, this is a joke)

I really think that this is a good idea, I would love to play without certain items like energy drinks in block drop I mean what is the point of them? I once got 3 in a row and I died right after, I would probably not have died if I got something else or snowballs in the bridge

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It would make cs have more customization.


It’s called “Weird PvP game with no goal :sob: