Ability to report more than once a player

The title says it…

Some players make continuously innapropiate/racist buildings.

I believe that if you have the ability to report the same player more than once, staff will be able to identify the player easier and/or add a priority to punish that player that keeps making innapropiate/racist buildings. If the player that reported the other one shouldn’t have done it, the punishment should be bigger (depended on the number of the reports).

this is completely useless. if you report a player for one thing, it doesn’t matter if they broke a different rule. they’ll still get banned if they broke the rules. reporting more than once would also just waste staff time.


Not only that, but it would immediately start giving out false bans. if someone thinks your build sucks, well, good luck because now they are spamming a report on you.


@IzzyBuildz What?! Why do you say that?

Because, if you were able to report people multiple times they’d end up getting banned, if you were able to spam a report in the same game. They ban off how many report counts there are. (Pretty sure, correct me if im wrong here.)

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