Ability To Remove Items In Bedwars CS

as @Kiephie pointed out one thing he doesnt like about freeshop is its just fireball spam so you could have a menu that pops up with a chest menu and you could click on an item to disable it or you could do an option so that when you click on an item it limits it so that you could only buy say 10 of that item you could do up to 128 of it in the limit

hope you like my idea

YES we neeeeeeeed this

i actually was talking about this on a gametester stream recntly :sweat_smile:


I’m gonna bump this so Hive considers this for Season 2


same I like this idea as I can get more customizable during free shop.


Bump! This is his alt gdub’s account is dead now. I never go on his accound lol

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Bump Again! Fireballs sorta ruin free shop and with the new Season 2 items which make it so much more interesting, it would be really nice to remove them from Free Shop. (also dorys because I dont want to go 10 trillion blocks when fighting)


yes I need this so many ppl fireball spam, dory spam, and once boomboxes come out (*clears throat) then there will be boombox spammers

Oh i hate boombox spammers SO MUCH