A “suggestions directory” pinned topic on this category


Some form of “Suggestion Directory” to prevent dupes

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So, we see lots of new users making duplicates. It’s not their fault, but why not prevent this situation from even happening?

Basically, I’m suggesting some form of a “Suggestion Directory” that will list popular suggestions in a topic to help prevent duplicate topics.

This list could be managed by the Staff, some community members, or even be made a Wiki post that people could edit.

This topic would be pinned and appear at the top of the category.

Maybe there could also be a subset of the list with includes Rejected Suggestions.

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Yes sometimes even people who aren’t new accidentally do duplicate posts because of not searching properly
I like this

That isn’t what I’m talking about, searching for dupes using the search bar doesn’t always lead you to the original suggestion (especially if it’s popular).

A topic like this would:

A - Make it easier for new users to not dupe a topic

B - Make it easier to find original topics of popular suggestions

C - Potentially get more community involvement in the forums if a forumer makes this rather than the staff.

The “your topic is similar to” filter is garbage and gets it wrong 9 times out of 10.

It thought a topic I made about a Parkour gamemode was similar to a suggestion to adding the SG boomboxes in SkyWars.

I mean that’s just discourse being discourse now :slight_smile:

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