Just build is one of the most welcoming, easy for new players, and simple game on the Hive. But it’s also the most least updated, sketchy, and dry game.
After playing the Hive for 5 years. I’ve noticed that a lot of players on this server are on mobile. I truly believe that over half of the mobile community can agree that playing on a phone, tablet, or Ipad isn’t the best experience. (Compared to other consoles)
So, a lot of these players resort to slower paced games that are much more simple: GroundWars, Gravity, and Just Build.
But sometimes you just wanna build. No competition, no losing, Just Build. But even this simple game mode has so many flaws that leave the player unable to unleash their true creativity. For example, the Just Build voting system is so powerful that people will always vote “Meh” for a better chance that they win. I think that this really can discourage the player.
But what if there was no voting system? What if it was NEVER a competition? What if you could really Just Build without anyone dragging you down?
Well, let’s fix that.
First, let’s create a micro hub that fits 2 new games. Plots, and Team Plots.
Plots would be a new game mode that gives the player 5 building plots to create on.
The player would have access to almost every block and could set commands to expand the possibilities of not just making builds, but escape rooms, parkour, etc. if you want to view other’s plots, you can simply “ask” to be on theirs. And if you like the build, the player has the choice to give it a 5 star review. These reviews effect nothing. Your total likes will add up into the current server leaderboard.
If someone builds inappropriately, a viewer also has the option to also “report” which moderators can review.
Team Plots is just Plots, except you can create a team of friends, add them into your plot and create custom team builds! If a team member decides to grief, you can kick them out of the team. Then, if you want your plot to look the way it did yesterday, the player has the option to “Save Build” and “Build History”. Build History shows you your plot from the player’s last saving point, and allows you to select and refresh your current build with the saved one.
These games would definitely encourage new players to make friends and explore other areas of the Hive with them.