A new game for the players

The floor is lava

A game where you compete to be the last player, but watch out for rising lava!

Players are given leaps, blocks, snowballs, and powerups spawn every so often, like in block drop. The could be jump boos, levitation, auto bridge, more blocks, snowballs etc. A game i thought would be fun.

There is platforms already in the sky but they are kinda small, there could also be a powerup to lower the lava 3 block or make it go up 5 blocks or something like that. If the lava gets to high and players cant do anything but fall in it is just what player survives longer in the lava ( there could be a powerup for 5 seconds of fire resistance)

dupe :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: