/level Command
It would be nice to have a /level command to check your level from spawn. After doing /level [game name] it would show you the level of the game you picked. This way, you wouldnt have to go into the game or memerize the level.
/level Command
It would be nice to have a /level command to check your level from spawn. After doing /level [game name] it would show you the level of the game you picked. This way, you wouldnt have to go into the game or memerize the level.
but why would we use this
Because commands are cool and useful and poeple don’t want to go check their levels in a game.
Basically what @Ptitjoueur123 said. Instead of going into a game just to exit out, why not just stay in the hub to use /level and check all you games in a few seconds
sorry if i sounded rude i just meant it as a question as i never logged into a game just to see my level
That’s fine. Your not being rude. (does an edit bump?)
Yes, yes it does @HudsonDog59
This would be really useful if you were talking with a friend and they wanted to know what level you were in a game. This would also be nice to have for xp grinding.
Sorry for the unesasarey bump, just wanted to test it
It would also be nice if it told you how much progress in the level you have.
To add onto Blueslime
Level: (insert number/max level) (insert game)
Progress: 3890/7980 (insert game)
So it would look like this
Level: 67/100 Murder Mystery
Progress: 3890/7980 xp Murder Mystery
Oh wow yes that would be good
Bonk, I don’t always like going to the website in game.
Yes we needs this, would be very usefull
Bump because this could be very usefull with all the new level updates
I’m putting my vote on it