8 player sky mega teams

Idk why I didn’t think about this sooner but I think it would make way more sense of the team in skywars mega that are currently 7 players each become 8 players each.
This is because the hive+ party limit is 8 meaning if you have a full party and play skywars mega then one person is left out, and it would mean your entire party could play on its own team,
this overall would only add a total of 4 players to the game and wouldn’t make too much of a difference

I mean… sky royale has 40 players and i didn’t have any problems with it, so i don’t see why not


Yes! :raised_hands:
This would be amazing considering that Royale get more players than Mega.
I agree, 4 teams of 7 only make up a game with 28 players, and some teams have less than 7, so that forms a pretty small lobby.
I agree that it should be increased to 4 teams of 8, this would increase the number of players in a massive party in Mega. 32 players seems pretty balanced, and it seems a lot more fun! :star_struck:
After all, it’s called Mega, not Micros.
Voted! :ballot_box:

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