2 ideas on how to prevent 3-0 games

Capture the flag is a really fun game mode when it’s not one sided. One reason I think this is caused is because a team gets rewarded for winning. In my opinion the losing team should be given some sort of buff to prevent the winning team from destroying them.
For example, when a player captures a flag they gain 150 gold while their team gains 50. This is huge early game as it allows the entire team to easily get iron armor or a diamond sword which will make the game one sided. I think this amount should definitely be lowered to something like 75-100 for the capturer and 10-25 for the team.
Another way to prevent one sided matches is to give the losing team a shop discount. If they are one capture down they get a 20% discount and down two would get a 50%. Another way discounts could be implemented is by making it an upgrade that costs 50 gold but only available to the losing team
One thing the Hive shouldn’t do to combat one sided games is take away gold as this will have a negative effect on players

personally, i think the gold you get when it’s 2-0 is enough of a buff imo.


I don’t really see whats the problem with 3-0 games…

If you are losing this bad, you probably either have trash teamates or your trash. (Or there may be sweats.) But buffing coins isn’t gonna fix that.


True, giving bad players better gear doesn’t make them better, especially if the other team is stacked as well.


@Captbossalf just came in now remorse.