[1.16] Add Netherite armor (and maybe swords) to Treasure Wars

And you replied to the post 1 year after the last reply to the post, and replied to it negatively.

Even if you have freedom of speech here, necro-posting (which is what you are doing) is against the rules.

Being here for 1 month doesn’t change the rules, its same for everyone.

Why aren’t negative arguments treated the same as positive arguments? If Dancer actively disagrees with a post, but only the people who agree with it are allowed to bump it, then Hive is only seeing the positive feedback and not the whole picture. In my opinion, as long as Dancer’s post (or others like it) adds something useful to the discussion, then it should be fine.

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ty i was about to lose it on this dude

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Guys, lets focus on the actual topic instead of arguing.

I made a statement about this in the dupe.

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Agreed. Netherite is too OP

Just gonna try to clear this up real quick,
“Generally, we’d advise you to avoid bumping threads on our Forums without a genuine reason. A genuine reason could include wanting to add onto the original post/idea. If you disagree with an idea, it’s always best simply to ignore it unless you have constructive criticism/feedback to share with the owner of the thread in regards to their idea,” - Rosa
Which he didn’t add anything new to the discussion, people above have already stated its op and diamond armor is already hard to kill. Best to like the original replies that say that instead of making a new reply. Easier for them to look at the feedback given since they dont have to read as much replies and just see how well liked they are.

Okay, back to the topic. Since diamond is already hard enough to kill I’d be fine with just the sword being added. Deffinitely not the armor even if they removed the less kb aspect of it. Idk about the sword costing emeralds though. Think about it, a person with diamond armor camping middle just to get the sword that will super easily kill you since your armor is much weaker. So, I’d suggest making it cost a butt load of diamonds instead. Someone camping middle with their fancy armor? No problem just run around the diamond spawners to get gold apples and the sword to hopefully have a balanced fight over a mid camper. Either way diamond armor barely gets bought since games last like 5 minutes max.


This is valid and I agree with it. I tried to phrase it this way in my original reply, but ig it just sounded like I was only agreeing with Dancer. :sweat_smile:

I was mainly commenting on how it’s fine when positive arguments are added but it isn’t when arguments against it are added.

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Doesn’t the timer literally last for 5mins? or am I thinking of Skywars?

In that case, if someone already has diamond armor, then there’s no reason to keep camping at mid. I’m pretty sure everyone would know about this, and start going around the diamond spawners.

I think the idea of having the sword sold for diamonds is good, it would stop people from camping mid.

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