Zombie Mode

Zombie Mode on Hive:

Hive could add a Zombie Mode where 4 Players are in a Map and they need to kill Zombies to come as far as possible.

You earn cash when you kill Zombies, with this cash you can buy Weapons or buy new Areas. It’s like the Cod Zombies Mode.

I would love that Mode and it would make so much fun! I think it’s not duplicate because I didn’t see a exact same post.

Pretty sure it will not work. As people say here, Hive has fast-pace games. This is technically like Skyblock.

Hey there!:wave:

This is a dulpicate of this. In the future be sure to use the :mag: in the top right hand corner before making a suggestion.


no its not, in skyblock u can resume in zombies not…

I may not just be allowed to make a further discussion but I believe this concept is based off of Mineplex if I’m not mistaken.

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