,,wierder'' maps on gw

Personaly I love ground wars but the maps should be less flat I would say. 1 year or somethink ago snow wars came to the game and there was a map that had 3 layers if I am correct witch was awesome I could make a bunker and other cool stuff and hide a bit. Now we have some hills on azure and inferno but its not the same I would like to see a huge hill or 3 mountains around the map that would be so sick and useful.

no, flat maps are the most fun

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Ah yes, the flat maps that make spamming so much easier. Not to mention that if you try to build some cover that they receive eggs back if they break the blocks. Which causes for the low player count in gw, I could be wrong but thats what I think the issue is. Yes, dodging does help this problem.


if ur problem is spamming just move backwards, if ur problem is blocks just get a bomb or shoot someone else… dont change the maps because you aren’t winning normally. Also, i feel like the low player count in groundwars is because its a fun map to play off and on but grinding it is pain.

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Change is good, playing the game gets boring really fast. I stated that dodging works but its still an issue with the majority of player being kids and not having a fun time because they don’t understand. Grinding isn’t the turn away, its the something with the gameplay, which I think is the maps. If you don’t want things to change then play a game that isn’t being developed anymore. My problem isn’t blocks, its that breaking them with eggs gives you eggs back which means spamming more. Winning is definitely not my issue, I win 90% of the time if I’m not afking, which is against the rules.


in your post u stated that maps must be the problem by process of elimination, but you used process of elimination on an unspecified amount of possibilities and only eliminated like two of them. Another reason for the game dying could be the powerups, or the slow xp, or the projectiles being different from normal arrows, or the imposter role being annoying, or armor making people rage, or the texture of the egg makes people sad. It could be literally anything, and saying that maps must be the problem without providing logic for as to why thats true seems very silly to me. Besides, the maps already have tons of variation within them. You cannot tell me that the gameplay between town and cave are the same, because they arent. Sure the basic idea is there but the strategies are different between maps.

If you have problems with how people can spam and break blocks, why dont you just do the same thing? the reason that you can spam destroy blocks is because otherwise the game would absolutely suck bc people could just hide behind walls the whole game. Alternatively, don’t build lol just stand back and dodge.

Also, side note, and I know this really isn’t important, you have a 68% wr not the 90% u claimed to have (granted, im not much better with my 81% wr (my monthly stats are better than that I promise))

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My wr is that low because I afk, but when actually playing its much higher… cuz speed carries me. Anyways there are a lot of problems with the game in my opinion, I’ve made a few post about how to change it. Powerups are kinda another reason, but I still think maps are the biggest issue. Also its not like you can’t play flat maps anymore, we just want the option to vote for different types of maps that aren’t majority flat.

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3 things.

  1. did u just admit to afking in a public space with mods around

  2. ur point about having options to vote for different kinds of maps is valid, but i still dont think it would end up helping the children and would instead just end up being exploited by players who already win a bunch but dont care about fun.

  3. I agree that powerups suck and I’d love to see imposter and armor removed bc they kinda change the flow of the game too much (though i dont care enough about that to actually do something, the game is fine as is imo)


Big bump image

This is actually how I feel about the default egg.

Why does it matter if they add some new maps with hills? I don’t think we need to argue about this. Just vote for a flat map if you want to play a flat map, or vote for a hilly map if you want to play on uneven terrain.
Almost nobody votes for maps in GW anyway, so you’re basically guaranteed to play the map you vote for.


They don’t vote for maps because all the maps are flat. If different terrain was added, there would most likely be more people voting.

But i do like this idea, so im gonna vote.


Or some ppl forget to vote sometimes xD
Anyway we kinda need more hill maps with terrain so im voting


I usually forget. :sweat_smile:


instead of maps in groundwars, a game where the gameplay isn’t really changed by the map aside from annoying camping spots, I’d rather new maps for hide and seek and deathrun, games which rely almost entirely on their variety of maps.


I would love maps like this with different terrain in GW, but I agree with adding more to Hide and Seek and DeathRun instead.