Why not have block properties

My idea is to make hiders of any kind of block have properties like, Leaves could fall slowly and be just a bit faster to not be so OP, polished andesite be stronger than other blocks, anvil could be heavy, so the seekers would take damage if the hider falls off, blue concrete would have KB resistance and be stronger as polished andesite, Quartz could reflect light in contact with the sun, so the seeker could have blindness when the hider is in contact with the sun light, (When the game adds shaders in the texture pack, maybe now the Polished Andesite properties will make it up for that) birch wood planks, spruce wood planks and jungle wood planks could break the seeker sword cause is wood and wood is hard to break with a sword in the game, yellow terracotta could make a place with other hider to fall off, so the seeker could take 15HP of damage, wool could use a bit of the block to make the seeker sword take less damage cause will set a long part of it with lines, have any more ideas to add properties to hider, your free to comment.

Dear forumer,

I suggest this be made as an alternative version of the game which is selectable.

Congratulations on making a good idea.


why an alternative version?
Maybe add these features could change the game instead of an alternative that would underrated as the normal version.

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maybe not have any speed difference because its already hard enough to chase small blocks with legs

Doesnt need to be so fast, just 1.5% faster than seekers.
And still, the seekers now can catch the hiders with the 9th slot item, i did a 2 blocks of telly clutch, so why we cant make just a bit faster.

The seekers are pretty OP now with the trapdoors disabled and hiders losing spots and the cooldown while spamming the sword in air is not count as energy loss for seekers and the reach being a bit larger like, I saw a hider being killed within 5 blocks when u actually have 3 or 4 blocks of reach (while they spam the sword).
This could make some seekers IQ increase and be competent instead of being dumb and harm their device to just remove our fun.

Seekers aren’t op at all, most of my hide and seek games are won by hiders because of reasons like how big the maps are, glitches on rare occasions and because of the size and how much harder it is the aim at them

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While this is a cool idea and I would like to see some of this added like increase speed or health for certain blocks, but some of this idea would not be possible. Like your idea that blocks like quartz when the sun hits would blind seekers. This would first alert the seekers that you are near by and also would be impossible to hit as the server does not run off an RTX pack and the suns rays are not calculated in Minecraft. The most interesting and possible things you have suggested to me are for certain blocks to have higher speed and health. The other ideas would either be hard to do, too op, not make sense in this game, or would be underused. If anyone has anything to add or say about this please do.

But hiders lost some of their spots like in China Town, the trapdoors helped a lot to go to a spot close to spawn, now with the trapdoors disabled, the hiders are being nerfed bit by bit, the seekers now can spam their sword without losing their energy in air, and the seekers having the 9th slot item like a block to place, the seeker are very op now, not so much, but still op
Think about that.

I agree, We dont need to have the reflecting light, just to affect them with blindness.

Glitches are being removed now, remember the glitch that the asset of the hider when is hided fall off and disappears from the map.
And the glitching out of the map now is very rare and doesn’t work anymore.
So yeah, hiders are now nerfed.

I understand what you mean. I still don’t agree that there should be a blindness effect when you around them but I only brought up RTX because rays are calculated with that.

That did close off some good spots but there are a lot of spots in china town and its good for running from seekers as a hider. Swinging a word in air doesn’t make it hit a block so it shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t get what you mean with the blocks that tell you what hiders are left

That´s accurate, I will change a bit my idea.
And I mean, when hits the 2 minutes, the game will show u in the 9th slot, the blocks left, thats what i meant.

If you are talking about why does quartz reflect light in RTX. It is because to achieve accurate light it must calculate how the rays move in the environment. This is why for shaders and RTX it reflects, in normal Minecraft this does not happen, they are not calculated like that.

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Actually, You can hit a hider or a seeker in mid-air, I´m meaning that when u swing the sword without looking anything else than a block.

I think that reflecting lights should be added when the game have they own shaders I guess, for now, the Polished Andesite properties could make it up for the game without sunlights reflecting.

i know that you meant by the 9th slot item I just wanted to know what you meant by that making the seekers op. The hiders have an advantage in numbers so I think that item evens it out a bit

It can be used as a clutch block, I tested it and works, meaning that, if a hider is in a high place and kicks u off, u can return without falling from a high place.

That´s what I meant.