What if you spawn with a cobblestone shovel

oh god

go on then

If you start with a stone shovel when people try to Spawn kill you you will be able to do damage to them eventually do enough damage to kill. And how many times have you been killed and then Spohn in and almost kill the person but you don’t do any damage so you can’t kill them and then they get your treasure and then they kill you again and then you are out of the game.

Stop saying spohn


cobble stone shovel, i’m no survival player but isn’t it stone


why not just spawn with strength for 5-10 seconds or so?


That’d be extremely overpowered.

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hmm yeah… any idea? for the defenders to kill and not knock off the attacker? i mean maybe…

spawning with resistance 1-2? idk

You already spawn with spawn protection for a few seconds or until you hit an enemy.
This gives enough time to quickly grab a sword from the team chest, or if you are speedy you can try buying one.

works a bit. usually its just that the echest is a bit far off. other than that yeah, its pretty fair. thanks for reminding me

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Fists are fine

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If you play on pc and u can w tap then your :ok_hand:

can you not double-post

Ok sorry

That’s a good idea to.

For like three seconds

That would be way to op bcs if you can grab a sword in that time you’d just smack the enemy

This idea is basically the same as this one: Spawn with a sword in tw - #17 by qShiqui
You can vote and share your opinions there. I personally don’t believe that the Hive will add a shovel as a weapon, and a free piece of armor; Every time you bought chain armor, you’d have an extra chestplate. As the wooden sword suggestion is much more likely to be added, this thread should be locked

I don’t think people spawn kill anymore

and this post was dead

only in solos most of the time

so you can still do a bit of damage just it requires more skill? sounds good