What if ember swords dropped from gold?

I think this would make sense because:

  1. It’s a gold sword
  2. Its “opposite,” being bling boots, drops from gold and also happens to be a gold item
  3. It would make mining gold more valuable

If this were implemented, it would also make sense to remove fire protection 1 leggings from ender chests (keeping fire protection 2 in mystery chests). It would look cleaner, and also make more sense because when mining gold ore you would have an equal chance at getting an ember sword as you would to get bling boots.

I like this idea, makes sense like u said.

just remove the sword entirely it’s useless


Yeah I agree with him.

Why?? Fire Prot in chests is useful since in almost every game, there is that one kid who keeps swinging gold

“if my suggestion were to be implemented.”

Meaning that both the sword and the counter to the sword drop from the same ore.

Fun Fact: the ember sword wasn’t originally enchanted, but then it was enchanted to belong to the emerald group like every other items

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The bling boots are enchanted, too, so by that logic they should also be dropping from emerald ore.

This would just make the emerald ore almost useless and would make the sword more common.



no it doesn’t make the emerald ore useless


lol no

in fact it would make it less valuable

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sharp 2 would like to speak to you


Sadly, every sword does the same damage when everyone is wearing diamond armor

But yeah, Nemo would also like to have a chat with ThanPixel


Absolutely not, nope, don’t want this, ember swords suck.

nobody mines gold so you’d encounter them less often if this happened

Ok I am actually trash at discussing game meta lmao

It would not be useless but I still think it might be too common. There’s a lot more gold ore than emerald ore.

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Yeah but no one mines gold ore, and they can tweak the chances of it dropping

I only mine gold ores for the boom boxes lol