Weekly item idea: Slowing snowball


Unlike the regular snowballs that does kb, this snowball will instead inflict slowness I to players for 5 seconds, with a 1% being slowness II instead, slowing them down.

And a 0.5% chance of freezing players in place aka they cant move for 3 seconds The slowing snowball wont do kb

It can be found in the ender chest as well as mystery chest

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Good idea! It will help catch any running players.

Good idea, can you kill the opponent while they are frozen? Also technically if they freeze on a bridge you could break the blocks beneath them as they prepare to die XD

Yes, they are still vulnerable to attacks even when frozen

So woukd they be rare?
Like a weekly item maybe?
Like i mean same rarity as chompy maybe cuz thats op

Did u read the idea :skull:

  1. The rarity will be slightly lower than chompy
  2. Its in the title
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No but I read most of the descriptjon XD

I like this idea. I think the chances of slowness II should be raised high than one in a hundred, otherwise it’ll happen so rarely it doesn’t even matter. I think the same for the freezing feature, one in two hundred is super low, and would almost never happened, especially if just getting the item is rare.