We all want TNT-Run

I think a lot of people agree with me, that non-pvp minigames on Hive Bedrock are just boring. There is no real competition and not much action going on. That’s why I would suggest adding TNT-Run as the next minigame. TNT-Run would be a nice alternative to the three pvp-gmaes, since it doesn’t require crazy pvp skills and special hardware to get on to leaderboard. It is one of the oldest games of all time and i have no idea, why none of the servers have it. It would be something even mobile players could enjoy apart from Just Build.

Well with the addition that this will most likely be included in the future game, Mixed Arcade, this is a duplicate. For future reference, please use the :mag: to find other suggestions like your own.
also take this cookie

:crystal_ball: Welcome To The Hive Forums Wwo! Enjoy Your Stay! :partying_face:

This is a duplicate suggestion i think

Read the rules: Suggestions Category - READ BEFORE POSTING



Ah alright, I hope it will, the Tnt-run posts I found were from half a year ago, so I thought it would be fine to bring up this topic once again… I guess i won’t do that anymore. :confused:

You can always comment on an older thread :slight_smile: Bumping is allowed on suggestions so long as you’re adding constructive feedback!

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