Viewable matchmaking

A way for mobile players (and everyone else’s) to see if matchmaking is on or not
[Write down your suggestion here, keep it short]
Maybe add like a command or when you tap on a ncp to join a game you can see if matchmaking is on or off
More information:
The reason we need this is because skywars and treasure wars has 5 different game modes, so let’s say that skywars has 1200 players online, all of these players are divided by 5 differend game modes so you won’t know if there is a game mode who has 400+ players
[Include any other information that you think is relevant here]

Hello :wave:
This is a duplicate suggestion :frowning: please use the search icon :mag: at the top right before making a suggestion :slight_smile:


Is it?

I wasn’t able to find anything similar…
Idk am maybe just bad at searching

Search for keywords. Like here matchmaking would mean player based match making or pbmm. Keywords matter

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Okay, I will remember that :).

But still, even tho there is a lot of topics about matchmaking is there not a topic about a feature that lets players know if matchmaking is on or not.

So I don’t understand how this is a duplicate suggestion…

Unfortunately this is a duplicate suggestion. For future reference, please use the search feature (:mag:) to look for the suggestion beforehand to prevent duplicate suggestions being created. You can find the original suggestion here.