Use mounts in waiting area

I think it would be nice if I could use my mount in the waiting area for a game, instead of just in the hub and arcade area.

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pets have been suggested before

and i think mounts have too


Ah ok, i’ll edit it to just mounts

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You Have My Vote and if not normal game lobbies then Custom Server Lobbies aswell.


This is a good idea, but I think ;you should be able to use pets too!

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This would make game hubs too messy and there is no point because you’ll only be there for a few seconds

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@GodoMC_YT Me too, but there is already a separate post for that.

@masonmasterbot I don’t understand how this would make the lobbies messier, but i do think that the more you can do with something you paid for, the better! Even if just for a minute

You wouldn’t think it would be messy if 5 cruiser mounts were chilling in the skywars spawn area? Or the hide and seek lobby? OR the block drop room?


I don’t think 5 people would own/use the mount in the lobby. I just want the feature available, that doesn’t mean everyone desperately wants to use it all the time. It’s the little things

Your forgetting that sweat lobbies exist and that if mounts were allowed in cs games they would be very crowed, but who cares about having a mount in a game lobby your just waiting a few seconds for a game to start

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I think you are underestimating the size of lobbies, and even if sweats were all using them, there would be more than enough room. In all of the lobbies.

Block drop? And would they be able to fly near spawn?

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youre really only in there for at max 25 seconds so i dont see the point in this

@masonmasterbot you mean the area blocked off by barrier blocks?

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This is making no sense so I’ll just be quiet :slight_smile:


yes, but i think it really isint that much work to add an already existing menu to waiting lobbies

I’ve been seeing a lot of arguments on suggestions recently.

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