Treasure wars, all types of deaths in chat

All deaths to display in chat.

All types of death, falling, kills, suffocation etc. should be displayed in chat, its a small change, and but would be very helpful for knowing who died and how.

I think that since prestiging has now been introduced treasure wars skill cap will be forever rising so i think that if the Hive team were to add all deaths in chat like “Flwlss has fallen off a bridge”, then it would be easier to gauge the player’s skill level as well as when your being chased you dont have to constantly look behind you, for mobile players this would mean that they would be aware that their chaser has died. At the end of the day though, once you hit a player and they die to falling in a certain amount of time solves the problem. Small QOL change

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Maybe a dupe??


don’t worry first time posting i think everyone broke a rule but first timers get lead off easy

welcome to the forums

Thats about skywars this is about treasure wars smh.

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