The treasure fair team chooser

Pls you want a fair game

And btw this is lucky win and I have no fun whit it I want a fair fight

Not to be rude but this would be very bad for people who want to play with friends but if their the both high than they can’t


Soooo true


This can’t happen. SBMM Could be implemented but it isn’t gonna fix anything. Also, this post won’t really help as it’s a bit of a rant.


Okay? So? Like no offence, but… just get over it. I know it sounds mean but I mean like it’s just a 6-7 minute game. Like is it where if you lose you lose a limb?


Yea but if I rejoin rejoin rejoin after rejoin I get bad team and in the good team there are just 100 level people and in my team there are just like 1 3 level

But if there is a friend in the game the friend will be in your team so

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Wow that was rude did you read the rules

The reason there are lots of good people on a team is because they are in a party, playing together. Maybe you could assemble a party of friends to try and take them on! :smile:


Thx but I have a better idea what if you press any mode and then there will be like pro mode unlocks level 10 god mode unlocks level 100 noob mode unlocks 0 level and you can pick a mode you want

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You should be a helper BC you are nice and helpful

That’s why I said “No offence” and “I know this sounds mean”. Besides, I threw my soccer game yesterday and I was livid. That wasn’t the true me.
Also, is there a rule for being mad at someone? I didn’t really like read it like I’m studying for a test.

Aw, thanks!


That’s why when you get the 1-3, you gotta clutch up! But when it’s the 100s of prestiges, you gotta be the backup. When they’re in combat, join in and double-team ‘em. Give ‘em an old smackaroonie.

Yea but why to be mad at me I did nothing you could not read it and here you can read this Hive Forum Rules well have fun

I said that because we didn’t need to know that you lost a 4v1.
Look, it’s just going to go back and forth. Let’s just apologise for what we’ve done even though I started it


Okay sorry and have a good time

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You too buddy. You too. :slightly_smiling_face:
good ending lol


So true bro