The Gapples in The Bridge

ya for sure instant eating would be nice kinda like the golden heads on

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why not make it so this isn’t a kit, and instead you just get 3 automatically


Even less useful, because you have more powerful items in your inventory, why use them ? I think yeah, it’s better than having them as a kit, but it’s not fixing the overall problem.

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like you could bring the spell of life from skywars and not the gapples

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Oh, why not, thats interesting.

Voted! The eating delay is definitely not worth just two extra hearts.


I think this would be great! Since it’s instant, it gains 2 absorption hearts and heals 2 hearts. It’s basically a spell of life. This would be really good as people can use it during battles, giving them an advantage if they can switch hot bar slots. It’s just like snowballs, being offensive.

Thanks LetsRoll and Bubble ! Yeah, a spell of life utility for the gapple is what we’re looking for I think.


They can make it like so the gap heals all of your hearts

I don’T reallythink this is a great solution as that would still have the cool down while not giving an advantage in battles. People will stop not pick the kit if they make it like that. I would just say heal 2 hearts while gaining 2 absorption hearts in a click.

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Almost unkillable once you’ve chugged down that thing…

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I did a new topic so you dont have to read replys…but i linked you down below @Enderscore67584

Thats the thing : You don’t even have to kill your enemy to score, and the time eating it is still the same, but I agree that an enchanted one is a bit unbalanced.

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Nice, thank you !

no problem