Telekinesis Enchantment on Iron Pickaxe

Everyone has had at least this problem, which is players stealing the item you mined out of the ore. At time to time it can get annoying as you play SkyWars and having to go through the same problem continuously. The purpose of Telekinesis Enchament is where whenever you mine an ore, the item instantly goes into your hotbar or inventory.


I like the idea, but what would happen if your inventory is full?

Also you can edit this post and move it to #suggestions:skywars


If they add this to skywars then they need to add it to sg 100%.

would be better if it just blocks other people trying to pick up the item you mined
but when you drop it, then it unblocks and everyone can pick it

in Sg Gravestones exist, it’s basically a chest and everyone can loot it

the idea is good and I like it!

I agree on this one, just like on how red ores work, which transfers directly to you

My bad I had a brief reading

true it’s would be pretty useful

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@Hlzyzptlk could you please change this into a suggestion