Team Chat in Trios and Squads

Currently in Hive, there are two main chats, Gamechat, which is the default option, and Party chat which is only accessible in a party of 3 or more through the /pc command.

I would Like to suggest a 3rd chat, Team chat. This would be a chat that you could access in Trios, Squads, Or Mega in Skywars and Treasure wars, and potentially even in Hide (for the hiding team). This would allow for you to communicate with your teammates in private, stopping other teams from seeing your messages and acting accordingly.

As an example;
If I were to tell my random teammate, โ€œHey, lets rush Blue teamโ€, it would show this to all players.
[Team Colour] KouyuAkizuki [lvl]> Hey, lets rush Blue team

This tells ALL opposing teams which team you are, what lvl you are (excluding prestige) where you guys are, and that you will not be at your base. This also gives blue enough time to prepare for a rush.

With a Team Chat (/tc) that could easily be avoided while presenting many opportunities to socialize with your teammates without getting targeted for your lvl.

for those of you wondering why I didnt mention duos gamemodes

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Hello, This is a duplicate, make sure to check using the search feature :slight_smile: you can find that post here: /tc for team chat


Thanks you for letting me know! Though I will keep this post up so more people gain attention to this matter, as well as to inform more people of why this would be a good idea to implement as the original post is quite lacking in a form of explanation.

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Duplicate Suggestion