Survival Games Duos - nothing to tell which team we are in!

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Survival Games Duos

What is the bug?
Nothing tells in chat or clearly somewhere with icon in which district we are in, no color to tell. That blew my mind : nothing tells in which team we are in ! Maybe I’m dumb, but I tried my best, and just can’t figure which player is my teammate. A top right icon with the right color would help, telling in chat while presenting the game would help as well : “Explore the land, loot chests and gear you up to be the last one standing ! You’re teaming with [number]<player(s) name with the right color>.”

Device(s) & Version
Windows 11

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

You can tell who your teammate is by looking at their player tag (the text above their head), and by looking at text above your hot bar.

This said, this is more of a suggestion than a bug report, so if you’d like to see this changed, please create a suggestion.

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