Suggestion On HideNSeek

Please Add Invisibility To Everyone So The Cheater Dudes Can’t See Where The Others Hide For 10 - 15 Seconds

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Can you please give more information e.g what do you mean by cheaters

Do you mean teamers who, when one of them is murderer, kills the other so they start spectating and then tells the murderer where everyone is. If so I don’t really see how this would help seeing as its just delaying them. It’s like if you were playing skywars and hackers had to wait 15 seconds before hacking lol.

Couldn’t the client developers just find a way to get around that?

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That is very unnecessary I think. Instead I think hive should focus on the improvements of the anticheat itself.

Oh I thought this was a hide and seek suggestion. Not mm

Y does it say hide n seek suggestion?

They changed it for some reason, when I commented that it was an mm suggestion, also can you please stop necro posting

If I can summarize this idea, ur saying add invisibility to hiders while in the grace period, right? This is a dupe and also an amazing idea!


Duplicate suggestion