Speedrunner Rank

As we know three is speedrun leaderboard in speedrun.com but people who speedrun like Official TT5 don’t have subs on YouTube and barley people know him so what I suggest is that we should have a speedruner rank that you get if you achieve top 3 in 3 speedrun categories and if you also get top 3 in any one category than you will get speedrun Hub title.


Currently Hive has no plans on adding any new ranks.


I wasn’t able to finish the post sorry my network stopped working in between :frowning:

Ok………. Don’t understand how that made letters but ok now can u finish it?

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Ya I finished it

LOVE THIS IDEA really cool

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that was funny :slight_smile:

Thanks for the clear up I would replace the title from rank to hub title to make it clearer

Unfortunately I don’t see this happening, as we aren’t affilated with speedrun dot com, it would likely confuse a lot of our playerbase.


No Problem it’s just a suggestion I suggested this because the speedruners don’t get anything out of Speedrunning