Speed-Giving Item

Add some sort of item that gives you speed for a few seconds. This would help solve the problem of people being able to run from you for minutes. Maybe a “Speed Feather,” just a Deathrun leap, or a swiftness potion. I would like it to only be found in tier 2 crates or supply drops so that it’s not insanely common.

I like this one, there’s so many items to slow down enemies but none to catch up or get away quicker.

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yes, I agree with this as well since it’s annoying having to hunt people down only for them to get you caught in cobwebs (especially when the person running away has been brought down to low health). It basically allows them to get away without giving the person hunting them down a chance of catching back up to clean up their kill. A speed item would help balance out things in-game item-wise.