Special Unique Game Challenges

The idea is that in the Quest Master or somewhere similar, there are unique game challenges.

I have had a few ideas for such challenges, they are designed to be for players who want more XP for their favourite games but interesting ways to collect them (you could also add Quest Points alongside it.)

I have five example ideas for three games:
Deathrun: Leapless (Don’t use leap.) or Deathless (Don’t die)
Hide n Seek: Cardio (Don’t go hidden.) or Rando (Random block is given)
Murder Mystery: Investigator (Kill the Murderer without being sherif.)

You could activate the quest from the Quest Master and get more QP for the Questshop and more Xp for that game if you complete it.

I think that the quests should last for over several games, some being in a row.

e.g Don’t die in Deathrun for 3 games, or don’t go hidden for 5 games in a row.


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They could span over several games, such as “Investigator” Kill the Murderer for 2-3 games in a row or something. They wouldn’t only last for one game.
Or “Cardio” Win without hiding for 5 games in a row.

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this is a duplicate suggestion! please use the search feature before making a suggestion, to prevent clogging the forums :)

you can find the original topic here.

@Hlzyzptlk i believe you can close this :)