Some preliminary suggestions

I think Just Build is one of the most complete new games hive has released, but I do think there is not enough ratings, I think we need like 5, so one better than meh but not as good as good, and one between good and love, I feel as if this would work better


Also the number of blocks is very limited, we definitely need more.


I personally think the rating system is fine as it is but we definitely need a reporting system. I think what they’re working on is a way to see people’s names so we know who to report but some of the suggestions in this thread would maybe work a bit better.

I definitely agree with the block thing too!

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I think you can see the builder’s name after the voting period, like at the last second

Oh is that in both game-modes? I only played duos and an admin confirmed you couldn’t see names (only team name/colour) but they were looking into a fix :thinking:

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Yeah I’ve played one game as of writing this and I’ve already seen an inappropriate build. yuck

Found one in my first and only game too :c As far as I could tell though, there was no way for me to see who was on the team that did it :slightly_frowning_face:

We’ve released a patch to allow you to see the player’s name after they voted, to aid the reporting of inappropriate builds.

We will be looking into more ways for us to moderate builds in the future :slight_smile:


I saw an inappropriate build in each of my first 3 games and I have proof

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I played only one game and didn’t have one, but the people just couldn’t build well period so I won

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We also need a report feature.