SG Preview Suggestion

As you may know, the new trackers can detect enemies around you. (And supply crates) My only problem with it is that because it shows ALL players near you, people can see two red blips close to each other and come and third party.

My suggestion is to make it so two players less than 10 blocks away from each other won’t show up on the radar. For my first hour on the SG preview, I got third partied several times by someone holding a tracker and then two tapping the both of us fighting.

The one problem with this is that people teaming is SG will not show up on the radar if they are too close, but teamers are usually not too hard to find anyway so I don’t think it will be much of a problem.

Edit: Talking about the solo preview, for duos it would have to be reworked so that two people on a team would still show up

I get where you are coming from, but in duos you would really want to know if there are two people there or just one.

Well yeah it would have to be reworked for duos that way if they are on a team it will show both of them

That might be kind of confusing for people who aren’t watching the change logs and on the forums, but idk

It might be cool if it only showed the nearest player and nearest supply drop, that way campers would be at a disadvantage but there would also be less third partying

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That honestly would be a better solution

its survival games come on! cleaning is always present in battle royale


Yes but my problem is that it’s happening too often, also Zoelys_Alt’s idea is a better suggestion