Server Bug Report Sub Categories

This is a suggestion to help Splodger! I propose 3 new sub categories for the #server-bug-reports category, based on 3 different type of bugs - this allows splodger to find the bugs more important to fix straight away. These would be the following:

  • Map bug - for when a block is missing/entities not rendering properly, etc
  • Glitch - for glitches and exploits that shouldn’t be possible
  • Not working - for bugs to do with things not working properly

Very cool idea to help our man splodger :splodger: :splodger:

Only thing is though that new people will probably just put it in #server-bug-reports and ignore the sub categories

some people will, but the majority could probably work it out :)

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100% agree with this, it needs to be added, and if needed more categories