Seeker XP changes

The xp for hide and seek needs to be re-evaluated and changed so that the xp amounts are fair for each thing.

Killing a seeker - Currently worth 10xp, this should be increased because in a fight, a seeker only needs 3 hits when the hider needs way more, for the effort to kill a seeker this xp amount should be much more, I’d say 75xp.

Winning as a seeker - Currently worth 50xp, this should either be the same as win xp as a hider (200) or higher because rarely can you get a win as a seeker I find.

I know some of these xp amounts are here to make the main purpose of the game (to hide and not get caught) to stay, but it makes no sense on why something as hard as killing a seeker can’t be rewarded big?

I have seen people just kill afk seekers to farm xp. I think 75xp is way too much for killing an afk guy. A good system, in my opinion, would be some sort of bounty system in which seekers who have killed more hiders are worth more xp.


afk seekers can’t be killed till 3:00 + by that time another seeker would be chosen so no.

also no to the bounty system since it only makes winning as a seeker easier


Why would it make winning as a seeker easier? This would only matter for people who would try to kill the seeker anyway.


most people will fail, and usually the person with the most kills would kill them anyways


I agree with. Seekers get so little xp compared to hiders, so grinding this game I always rq when I was a seeker.

DR has it well balanced for xp as runner and death being about the same (if you know how to go for multiple kills instead of targetting first place).
Haven’t had much experience with MM and it’s different roles, but I believe they are balanced in xp too.

Killing a seeker should not give more xp, ruins the point of the game. On top of that, almost every single seeker kill is killing a very bad(maybe new) player, don’t ruin their experience even more by a bigger reward for killing them. Any decent player will never be killed as a seeker unless they are afk. 10 xp is generous enough, in my opinion it should be 0.

Edit: Don’t forget to vote for your own post!


The xp is very fine as is, it encourages hiding for xp but allows for seeking if u want to. There is no reason to change the hide xp.


Your math is flawed lol. when have you ever been able to kill all the seekers in one game?


Im just saying that because there could be someone that does that in one point of life. Ur right

Oh wait… im stoobid. I thought the post said “boost the hider kill xp”, NOT the seeker xp LOL :rofl:

Guess I’ll delete my post since there is now no reason of it

You can bring them to the other side of the map and kill them at least once, if the other seeker isn’t very skillful or AFK again you can get like 10 seeker kills in one game, also something worth mentioning are those who use their friends to farm seeker kills.

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Another thing to note: If a seeker’s chunks haven’t loaded and u hit them into the void that counts as a seeker kill for some reason - a niche situation but something to take into account nonetheless.

Also, extra xp for killing seekers would be bad bc hive doesnt wanna encourage hide to become a pvp game.


The most seekers ive killed in when game that werent afk was 7 and i play on Nintendo Switch

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Killing a seeker get 75 XP is too much I think. One of my friends is a pvper and he’ll definitely try to do this to earn XP, and those good runners can also do this to annoy those inexperienced seeker.

And my opinion is that get 100 XP for winning as a seeker, yeah seeker win is a little hard but for seeker mains it’s simple, especially on easy maps. Also if seeker wins get more XP those who want to grind fast wouldn’t choose to hide and the game would be less fun.


ur so right, we shouldn’t reward people for killing noob players.

All hider kills u get as seeker should be worth 10xp not 20xp to encourage hiding and discourage seeking, allowing the game to be less sweaty and more enjoyable for new players!


Seeker is literally the losing team 50 XP is plenty lmao

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Since you win less as a seeker, the reward should be higher.


But what’s the point of hiding then? If Seeker gave much more experience, everyone would just get themselved killed at the beginning of the game. If anything, they should bump kill experience so you get rewarded for the actual seeking instead of being one of the guys that just won.


It would be fair to the seekers for mor xp instead of hiders just hiding and doing taunts by getting mor xp than seekers

Since you’re supposed to hide to get the most xp in hide and seek, which seems very fair intuitively, I don’t think seeking should give any more xp. If anything it should give less xp to encourage hiding, making the game less sweaty and more fun for newer players.

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