Russian Translation Bug (hide and seek and main locker )

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
1.hide and seek (chat)
2.main locker

Affected Text:

  1. 1 с до выхода охотников!
    2.В основной шкафчикеSuggested Text:

Suggested Text:

  1. 1 с до выхода охотника!
    2.В основном шкафчикеExplanation of Issue:

Explanation of Issue:

  1. The word “basic/основной” is used in the plural, but in this case it should be used in the singular.
  2. The word “hunters/охотников” is used in the plural, but in this case it should be used in the singular.

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there,

Thanks for suggesting an improvement for our translations.

I have implemented your first suggestion, the second however is correct, as it matches the English translation, which is also plural.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: