Royal Flush (HIVE COSTUME)

Your ideas: Good idea with cool example

My ideas

Bump, this looks awesome and I found this because someone tried to steal this idea as their own @Herobrine49715


glad he got temp banned

also nice suggestion :+1:


Bump, because this is amazing!
Unfortunately, though, the Mediafire link no longer works :frowning:

this has the best number of votes, if you know what i mean :smirk:

How immature are you on a scale of 1-100


luckily it doesn’t have that many votes anymore. :expressionless: Also, i think saying those types of things are against the rules…

you’re quite sour aren’t you?
Anyways this is a hilarious idea :joy:

I think he is fine. He didn’t outright say anything wrong and Hive has an official reference to that number in the server.

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i was only trying to be funny sorry if anyone got offended

Nobody got offended you just sound very childish.

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trust me im not my friend called me a bum tickler im pretty sure thats more childish and i guarrante that half the ppl the play hive ( younger than 9 ) dont know waht it means

didnt you literally just make a 69 joke

ye ik it is a bit childish so ye sry