Rank Icons (Leveling Icons)

:blobheart: thank you! It means alot to me!

A good area could be:

  • Replacing the number in games (chat)
  • Replacing the number in games (name)
  • Combination of both options above
  • Keeping the number, having the prestige to the side (right preferably)

i don’t know about completely replacing the levels with this. It seems like i can’t decide lmao. if it does get added, i want to see the prestige before the level.


in tw im diamond 3

beside the level not removing the levels

  • Remove the leveling system and replace with this
  • Add this before the level is shown

0 voters

Bump bUmp buMp bumP

this is a nice idea and it would give pvp games somewhat of an update, also bumping this for newer forumers

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Nice idea! Voted!

This is amazing :clap::clap::clap::clap:

According to hive team logic, if this gets accepted which will probably take 2+ months we will have to wait 1-3 full mc updates. BUT the idea is still poggers.

That looks very good, I could see them adding it

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yo its been a while dude


Ranchy, you are such an artist. I admire your work so much!


Smol bump this is still really cool and should be added soon


It would be really cool so that when you are in this screen: (picture), it would show the icon next to your name or something like that


idk if they can add that lol


I am not sure, but it could be cool

I saw in servers like nethergames, they did that on your character above the profile icon
I don’t if it’s still there because I haven’t been able to connect to nethergames for xyz time lol


I’m gonna bump this, I think it’s a really good idea. It would also be cool in the hub to show how long someone has been playing someones experience or there overall levels in games. This could also add the idea of prestigeing which would add endless content for people that have already grinded max level in treasure wars and want to grind but only get on the leaderboards for it.

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If hive doesnt add this ill cry