Raise YouTube Rank

YouTube rank should be harder to get

If YouTube rank is harder to get people will start trying more to get it because it could be there goal. By small YouTubers growing the play on the hive they will grab there attention and come play on Hive. Many new players will come and play on the wonder Minecraft server we call the Hive!

given the amount of people who make hive content and the avergae size of hive YTs i doubt it good to increase the limit.


Bad suggestion :-1:


doesnt make sents the fact that we only have 50 YouTubebers (at the most) on hive

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I don’t think bad suggestion is the best comment, give criticism and explain why you think that.

That doesn’t really make much sense, higher yt rank requirements wouldn’t make more people go for it, it would just make less people reach the requirements. This wouldn’t be a good thing, as having the yt rank makes it so they can make even better videos. So more yt ranks means more hive videos.


the lower reqs inspire more ppl to try and become yt rank. then they can make vids. then more people will figure out about hive from their vids. then more players


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