Possible Hive Updates

We all love hive but it’s dead well almost so here’s some things to fix it👏

#1 an open world survival

An open world survival would give the players who played hive originally something new to do grind. Aswell as bring in a whole new type of players the SMP/Realm players


Hive duels had potential it did it just wasn’t executed properly. In my opinion some things hive could have done to make it better for the player base is. First off added levels maybe js like arcade levels of a prestige 5 system. Add a bigger map too it, it was fun but small based. too add on to that make it more highlight the mini arcade games hive made we’re not known. My final statement about it is add different variants of duels such as

-boxing(would go amazing with hive Kb)
-Mid fights
-and more fun common ones from other servers


One of the main reasons no one plays hive anymore is the lack of grinding it once had. you could fix it by Making Sky wars and CTF have prestige 5 Survival games/bridge level 75. So on and so forth


Hive hasn’t added any really Stand out new GAMEMODES recently so here’s some I think would be good. 1 a Sumo gamemode a hive gamemode where it’s a 5000x5000 border for js sumo it would most likely be most popular in cs. 2 Bridge Sqauds although not a entirely new mode a CTF styled bridge could be a cool setting for CTF. 3 well I stated earlier but a survival/sky block mode js something too get the less grind PvP and more chill lobby for js grinding it would add a whole new aspect to hive for realm players/SMP players.


We haven’t had much colabs in hive we had the sonic one which was cool. they could have done more with it so here’s some ideas I have. They could have added a LTM racing where it’s a straight shot with loops sortve deathrun but no deaths and sonic themed. Stuff like that could freshen up the game

Thank you for reading, Condolences xLlqvd

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