Playing With Pets

Playing with Pets

It would be super fun if we actually got to play with our pets. If it isn’t too hard, it would be great to play fetch with your pet or make them do tricks on your command. There could be tree branches under certain trees, like the snowballs, in which you can punch them to receive a stick to play fetch with your pet, and each pet could react differently. The endolotl could teleport, the Pirate Ship could explode the stick, the Baby Dragon could turn it into ashes, the Pirate Parrot could fetch it normally, and the Witch Cat could cast some sort of enchantment on it.

In conclusion, what im trying to say is that it would be great to play with your pets and not only having them floating behind you all the time, doing some short moves or resting, as cute as it is.

This is an interesting concept but may be hard to implement. I think it’s a good idea but unfortunately i don’t see it being added. Also don’t forget you can vote for your own post! :smile:

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Welcome to the Forums!
Unfortunately, this is a duplicate suggestion. You can for the original here
next time before posting, make sure to use the :mag: search icon to make sure you haven’t copied anyone else :blush:

Apart from that, this is a cool idea :sunglasses: