Pink glitch skin

Ive thought of this for a while and i think this wood be something cool to think about.

This cood be a skin that may release next april fools or just an ordinary skin you can buy.

So as the name suggests it will look like what you wood normally see when you get the pink glitch (only if they havent fixed it yet lol).

Avatar: pink skins all pointing at each other (like spiderman pointing meme)
Hub title: Pink? Pink! PINKK!!!

Imagine how many ppl you cood trick to leave games or restart as it wood be really funny to watch.

People have suggested to make yellow steve hive skins so why not pink glitch skin(s).

This might be an unpopular opininon but if any of you guys have feedback then plz let me know


This is a skin that I would buy and highly enjoy.



This topic is very different and I don’t think it’s a dupe. The topic you linked talks about turning every costume pink as a troll. This one is about one new, unique costume. I’ve noticed you’re calling a lot of dupes that, when you read them, don’t seem like dupes. Not to be rude, but you are reading them before you call them dupes, right?

COULD you consider changing the “wood” and “cood” to the proper “would” and “could”?

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If you wish

The pink glitch is Minecraft’s fault not The Hive’s fault.

This is irrelevant, the post is talking about adding an Aprils’ Fools costume where your skin is pink to resemble the infamous pink glitch.


Srry misunderstood.


I think it would be good! Maybe a hubtitle that says “The Pink Virus!” or “pink.” or anything really, but if one of those were the titles I would buy it. Maybe it could be a free pet too that is just a pink cube just to make fun of people who want free things.