Pet with Hive+

Pet with Hive Plus

Like how Hive Plus gives a costume and some avatars and hub titles, I think it should give an exclusive pet.

This is cool and I would love to have it, but then the Hive would have to revamp Hive+ again and then they are probably giving us more stuff, than Hive+ is worth lol (if that made any sense)

EDIT: I just realised, this is a dupe: Exlusive pets for hive plus

i disagree. it would just be a waste of time for the hive, and it would make pets not as special

I checked and never saw any dupes, So sorry about that, Also I get what you mean.

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I don’t think adding a pet to Hive+ would work well and be financially beneficial. However when and if Hive plans to add future ranks maybe including a pet/ mount with it would be a neat addition