True but if they narrow it down to a couple things that they can do and are willing its still technically their choice
I think it could only work with cosmetics and maps, but brings the problem of “not getting the losing options (soon)” but this is easily a suggestion that is just “dreaming” rather than something that would ever be accepted
I think this suggestion is risky. The Hive settles for the votes of the community here because they doesn’t like to work under pressure. Remember that The Hive is a micro-business. I say there is no need to put pressure on them through this. Let’s better ask the owners to advertise this website more than they already do, inviting in a more attractive way the 12,000-19,000 users of the server to visit here as well and thus increase the pressure through their votes; here, not in a Hive Live.
The power is in the vote.
So it turns into the forums, but the highest vote is guranteed to be added?
What if it’s a brand new game?
Oh… well I’m still going to make a topic which is similar to @Blockbyblock98 s suggestion so yeah…(I’ll credit you @ImNotBritish107
I think the idea would be good but what would they even air it on? Cant be a vc because bot every can or is allowed to. It would appeal to more viewers if it was interactive but i like the idea.
Oh Cubee, I thought of a flaw why self? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Anyways, it’s that it could cause controversy, as the Mob vote did, and that’s why they removed it. Same situation with Hive Games here.
Mob vote, item vote, biome vote, vote vote i need them it means everyone gets a say even if it causes contrebersy it could be added at a later date
Im down for all of this except for the voting
there should be no reason for hive to be in a phoenix sc video
Hive is the one who is giving us the options to vote soo…
Can i vote sheep pet