New update ideas

Items that should be added
-player tracker, please some games go on forever where you can’t find anyone, especially duos games
-some very rare enchanted weapons (punch bow, prot 1, and occasionally sharpness)
-potions(speed and regen would be nice)
Overall game changes
-better deathmatch(there is to much camping with bows and have no way of pushing them to fight)
-border shrink to help stop games from going on too long
-tell people where supply drops are(“drop at mid”, "at the castle!)
-kits to add more strategy
Smaller game changes
I’m deathmatches with too many people spawn teams together and not with random enemies.
Small buff to tier 2 chest
Make snowballs more common (still not in tier 1 chest but more common amongst tier 2 chests)

A lot of these have already been suggested, I think. I couldn’t find a lot, but I found this one:

Please use the search icon: :mag: before you suggest something or make a new post.
Also welcome to the forums.


Hive does not do lists
And I think they said they don’t wanna do classes


All of these are good but i disagree with kits im not tryna have it be p2w read the forum rules before posting

when did kits become p2w

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i think litteraly all of these have been suggested

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I do not want kits trackers or any of this stuff except because I prefer hive sg because it is more bare ig and you can have this dream survival games like on cube craft and why do we need enchanted stuff because iron middle pieces and diamond armor outer pieces are so op already we dont need more spots that give op loot

Hey there!

Thanks for the suggestions - As mentioned, we don’t consider lists as it’s hard for us to tell which parts people want and which they don’t. If you have multiple ideas, please make a thread for each one and make sure you check they haven’t been suggested already. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
