Bump! I believe Blobert can get 30 votes by the end of the week.
Poll time! Vote for your favourite avatar! Poll will close on the 22nd, so vote fast! If you can…
- Avatar #1
- Avatar #2
- Avatar #3 (made by @Daviditaly64 )
Wow, completely forgot about the competition. Avatar #1 was the winner; guess you could say they were #1!
We did it! 32 votes! Thanks everyone!
Why am I the only one who is talking on this topic?
They look like coolades. In a good way.
Make it 33!
Bump! Blobert needs love! He shall surpass the Endolotl in buys. This will give the Hive enough money to make cool things! I hope. Anyways, uh, Blobert! Yeah.
So is makeship gonna start making custom player plushies and players as pets?! Nope!
What? What are you talking about?
Its great! Voted
Think you meant 35… but thanks for the vote!
I had to edit it
Good call.
You splet humour wrong its not ‘humor’ its ‘humoUr’ with a U
Yes i know i did see but didnt care enough to corrext it
Btw did you just change your pfp?
Cus when i look at the one above it has a sun saying hi but the comment below has a ctf person
I dont care
So you did?
I like the fact people talk here, it makes it seem like it’s important, but we don’t have to make fun of peoples spelling and don’t have to use “lil bro”.
Instead, we use “little brother” and proper grammar. Let’s all use our sentences with capitalisation or punctuation.
I make it 36
37 votes, actually. Man, that’s happened around 2 times! What a coincidence!
Why did they say lil bro? They dont know if im little or if im a only child or not or if im a he or she thye only know im a cat