New minigame idea : Labyrinth Runners

A new game idea : Labyrinth Runners

This is a idea for a new game on The hive (Bedrock) this minigame is a less PVP based gamemode but there is still PVP involved. Im explaining a basic idea of the minigame and its features but im not going to into detail about this minigame . This minigame is inspired by the YouTuber Tango Tek’s Decked out.

Firstly this game is in underground or enclosed Maps with cave like tunnels connected together with Parkour littered across these tunnels. There is a central section where you spawn and respawn.

The gameplay is as follows: The players , in teams of 4 or 2 , goal is simple : collect as many honeycomb as possible. This honeycomb is scatterd across the walls , floor and ceiling. Players mine this honeycomb while collecting weapons by killing bees that are scattered across the map . Honeycomb respawn after 30 seconds.

Like in Decked out there will be “beasts” chasing you . Unlike Decked out these “beasts” will be flying. These will be called The Queen Bee . There will be 3 Queen bees . Roaming the map looking for players . These will kill you in 2 hits . These have the same amount of health as an iron golem. These can be killed and drop 150 honeycomb.

The game lasts 5 minutes per round . When the 5 minutes is over death match starts and respawn points are disabled and pvp is enabled the arena slowly shrinks to the central area. The team that has the most honeycomb after the death match wins…

You might want to explain decked out. (not everyone here has heard of hermitcraft)


It seems a tad bit far fetched with all the beasts etc :confused:
This reminds me of Temple Run, a mobile game from the App Store.

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This is a cool concept and all, but idk if this is big enough to be its own game. If this does get added (Which I don’t see happening) This will probably be incorporated in Mixed arcade with a smaller time frame.

The title of this minigame is still a work in progress